
Start your career in logistics now

Become part of the Hartmann team and benefit from excellent training.

Which training programme will you choose?

Choose from eight apprenticeships that you can learn at our locations in Paderborn and Ibbenbüren.

Our commercial apprenticeships

For all those who enjoy working in the office.

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Management assistant for forwarding and logistics services

You organise the shipping, handling and storage of goods and sell transport and logistics services.

Abitur, vocational baccalaureate, higher commercial school
August 2024
3 years

Office management assistant

You will organise and process office management tasks. You will also carry out commercial activities in areas such as order processing, procurement, accounting and personnel administration.

Good secondary school leaving certificate
August 2024
3 years

Businessman/woman for marketing communication

You will work in the areas of advertising, online marketing, public relations, sales promotion, multimedia marketing, events and social media marketing.

Abitur, vocational baccalaureate
August 2024
3 years

IT specialist for system integration

You will realise customer-specific information and communication solutions. To do this, you will network hardware and software components to create complex systems. You will also advise and train users.

A-levels, possibly previous education from IT school
August 2024
3 years

Our industrial apprenticeships

For all those who like to lend a hand

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Professional drivers

You ensure that our customers' goods are delivered on time and without damage. You know the functions of your lorry and also the legal regulations, for example on load securing.

Secondary school leaving certificate
August 2024
3 years

Specialist for furniture, kitchen and removal services

You will deliver kitchens, furniture and appliances or other items, pack removal goods and work in the warehouse. You will assemble and dismantle kitchens and furniture, install electrical appliances and ensure that water pipes and ventilation systems are connected correctly.

Secondary school leaving certificate
August 2024
3 years

Warehouse specialist

You accept goods and store them properly. You put together deliveries for dispatch or forward goods to the appropriate places in the company.

Secondary school leaving certificate
August 2024
2 years

Warehouse logistics specialist

You accept goods, check them and store them properly. You put together deliveries and route plans, load and dispatch goods. You will also be involved in optimising logistics processes.

Secondary school leaving certificate, good secondary school leaving certificate
August 2024
3 years
Your contact person

Do you have questions about our jobs, an internship or an apprenticeship?

Jennifer Schroeter

Head of Human Resources

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Human Resources

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Regularly among the best of the year

For many years, our trainees have been among the best in their year. We are proud of this and do our best to prepare our young talents in the best possible way at vocational school.

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Our benefits for trainees

Savings apps for 700 shops
With our CargoLine savings app and the E.L.V.I.S Group's corporate benefits app, our employees benefit from discount codes in over 700 online shops.
Job rotation
Our trainees pass through various departments and get to know the many facets of the entire industry at an early stage. This is how you find out what suits you best.
Hartmann app
Our employee app regularly reports on the latest and most important topics. Many other features are also included.

Shorten training
Trainees who are motivated to complete their tasks and achieve good grades at vocational school can shorten their training (sometimes by a whole year).
Bicycle leasing
We offer our employees an attractive bicycle leasing model. Hart men and women choose the bike of their choice and pay the leasing instalment from their gross salary.
Company pension scheme
We help to ensure that everyone is financially secure, even in old age.

Help with private problem situations
Our employees are close to our hearts. For this reason, we also offer our help in private problem situations.
Trainee days
Once a year, a trainee day is organised where all trainees meet up and spend the day together, e.g. bowling, playing the City Escape Game or at the trampoline park.
Health days
Every year, the Hartmann Health Days take place at all Hartmann Group locations. In addition, there are thematically changing presentations by experts.

(Family) celebrations
Every two years, we organise a big summer party at our forwarding terminal, to which Hart men and women and their families are invited.

Ready for your career in logistics?

Then take this opportunity to join a fast-growing family business!

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Trainee days

City Escape Game

Our video for Trainee Day 2022

City escape game through Paderborn
Equipped with HARTMANN bag and provisions
Mixed groups from all locations, professions and training years
Dinner at Hans im Glück at the end

Co-operation with (high) schools