Mission & Vision

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We deliver solutions. With our know-how and cross-divisional thinking, we create solutions that offer an optimum service and reduce the workload.


We take care of you. Naturally, we fulfill the tasks that our customers entrust to us with the utmost commitment.


We see you personally. We live by this guiding principle and attach great importance to understanding your individual needs and wishes.


For us, treating each other with respect is the basis of good cooperation. It is important to us to live a positive and appreciative behavior. Respectful interaction with one another and a constructive feedback culture should help us all feel comfortable in our workplace.


Naturally, our focus is on performance. We cannot achieve success without performance. This includes professional expertise as well as the commitment of each individual. We always consider all services in terms of economic efficiency in order to secure jobs and enable growth.


We maintain open and honest communication and a consistently reliable behavior that leads to a trusting relationship. Fairness and fair treatment in all areas are important to us.

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Unsere Vision ist es, der führende Anbieter von Transport- und Logistikdienstleistungen zu sein, der sich durch seine fortschrittliche Digitalisierung, Unabhängigkeit und Kundenzufriedenheit auszeichnet. As a traditional family business, we aim for stable and profitable growth and the continuous expansion of our logistics expertise.

We strive for industry-leading excellence through innovative solutions and digital pioneering to realize our unique identity. At the same time, we are aware of our responsibility towards the environment and are actively committed to sustainability by conserving resources and avoiding emissions.

Unsere Mitarbeiter sind der Schlüssel zum gemeinsamen Erfolg. We offer an environment that gives all employees the opportunity to develop their full potential and promotes identification with the company.

Wir streben einen unvergleichlichen Service für unsere Geschäftspartner an, ganz nach dem Motto:

We take care of you.
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„We are pioneers in the logistics and transform future customer needs into smart solutions.

By intelligently connecting people, organisations, technologies and data, we exceed expectations and set standards in the industry.“



Our symbolic mission case, signed by all employees who follow our mission.

Our values




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